Our company name is INTERNET EXPRESS UK LTD. T/A www.stopsmoking4u.com Our address is Vape Shop London, 108 Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0JN. You can contact us by post at the above address. Alternatively, you can contact us by email at info@stopsmoking4u.com or by telephone on +44 207 240 3513


Whenever you access our website to browse our products or to view any information, a number of cookies are used by us and third parties in order to keep the website functional. We make use of the information that are collected from our visitors to help improve the overall experience for the users.

Parts of the cookies that we collect are solely necessary for the functionality and maintenance of our website. We do not ask for your consent to place these on your device. Please visit the cookies section below for further information or contact us on info@stopsmoking4u.com


We ask for information such as your name, email address and contact number upon every enquiry submission.

We utilize this data to respond to your questions and inquiries, also to help providing you with any relevant information regarding our products and services. We may likewise to email you a few times after your enquiry to ensure that we have provided help to your satisfaction. The purpose is of this is to improve our service and the accuracy of information we provide in the future.

We do not use the data you provide to make any automated decisions that may affect you.

We store all our enquiry emails for up to five years, after which they are securely archived and kept for ten years, when we delete them. CRM records are kept for five years after the last contact with you.


Whenever you make a purchase of our productions from our website, we ask for your name, billing/delivery address, date of birth, contact number and email address. We will also record your IP (Internet Protocol) address.

We will use your data to process the order, complete your purchase and send you the items. Receipts of your orders will be sent via email. We will use your contact number to get in touch should there be any problems regarding your purchase. This information is required so we can process and deliver the purchased products to you. We are also required to record your IP (Internet Protocol) address by law, for the purposes of fraud prevention and in order to confirm that the correct tax was applied to the sale. We do not hold your credit/debit card information.

We do not use the data you provide to make any automated decisions that may affect you.

Order information are kept indefinitely.


When you submit a review about us we record your email address, name and your IP (Internet Protocol) address. We use this information to show validated views about us and our products and services to any potential clients. The content of your review and your name may be displayed on our website publicly. We do this because it is in our interest to improve our products and services in the future.

We do not use the data you provide to make any automated decisions that may affect you.

We store your personal information for as long as the review content is relevant to our marketing system. However, you may request to have your review erased at any time.


By the Data Protection Act 1998. You may enquire us about what information we hold about you. On the off chance that it is incorrect, you can request to have it amended. You may also withdraw the consent you have given us at any time.

If your personal data is being processed for reasons of consent or to fulfil a contract, you can ask us to give you a copy of the information in a machine-readable format.

If your personal data is being processing for reasons of consent or legitimate interest, you can request that your data be erased.

You have the right to ask us to stop using your information for a length of time if you believe we are not doing so lawfully.

Finally, please use the contact information provided above in the “Who we are” section to submit a request regarding your personal data by email, post or telephone.


If you believe that we are misusing your personal information, we advise and appreciate you to get in touch with us directly in the first instance so we can address your complaint. However, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office via their website at www.ico.org.uk/concerns.


This privacy policy is monitored and reviewed by us regularly. We update this privacy policy whenever its appropriate.